Once your flow is ready, you can publish it as a web app. To do this, click on App settings → Publish version.



In this popup, you need to specify a version number (for your reference) and if this is the first time you are publishing a flow, you will see a way to add a unique link suffix. This will create a unique link for your flow.

If you choose "tuneal-hello-world" as your suffix, your flow will become live at "apps.tuneal.com/tuneal-hello-world". This can only be set once per flow, so make sure you have thought it through.

Once done, hit "Publish version". With that, your flow will be ready. You will see the link as well that you can use to visit the deployed web app.

You can also embed a flow into your existing product once you have published it. In the publish modal, you will see instructions to embed the flow into your product as shown below -
