Creating lists

Lists can be created by writing -

Show a list of something.

When you create a list, you need to provide the following information in the popup that appears when you click on the sentence -

  1. The list data - this has to be a list (array). This is the source list over which we will iterate. You can either use a data source from your application data (for eg. an API response, some static list data, Google sheet data) or you can put in some sample data. Sample data is a neat way to get a flow going without having to worry about where the data is going to come from. You will see a "Download sample CSV" button that you can use to quickly download some data and make changes. You can upload the modified CSV by clicking the "Import CSV" button. The columns in the sample CSV are the default columns that cards accept in Tuneal. You need not stick to those columns. If you are planning to use cards (text card or horizontal card), that column structure will come in handy in the next steps.

  1. Component to show list items - here, you will see a dropdown of possible components that you can use to show each item in your list. The options that are currently supported are -

  2. Image card

  3. Text card with image

  4. Text card

  5. Title text

  6. Body text

  7. YouTube video

  8. Audio

You can look up what these components look like in the supported components page linked below.

Supported components

  1. Item data - depending on the component you choose above, you will a list of fields below the component dropdown.

If you chose the column structure from the sample CSV and you are using a text card or a text card with image, you don't need to do this step.

These fields take the mapping between each item in your list data and the fields that a particular component expects. For example, if you choose text card, you will see the fields "Card title", "Card body text" and "Card button text". In these fields, you will need to specify which field should Tuneal take from your list data.